Strategic IT Professional Certification

Requirements for Strategic IT Professional Certification (SITP)

A nominee / applicant must:

  1. Hold membership with IFGICT;
  2. Have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of ICT industry      , bringing the realization of significant value to society;
  3. Demonstrate at least 10 years of approved experience in ICT field / industry (letter from employers is a must along with detailed CV)
  4. Demonstrate underpinning knowledge and understanding through the production of  ICT Case method /          case problem (case problem would be covering different ICT disciplines)
  5. Applicant will be asked to demonstrate that they have writing a case solving report synopsis. There is a            required format for the report and synopsis and further guidance will be provided.
  6. Applicants, who successfully complete solving case problem report, will be asked to attend online  interview with Strategic IT Professional (SITP Committee) . The purpose of the interview is to allow the applicant to demonstrate in more depth the underpinning knowledge and understanding required to proceed  to the professional review interview.

There is the option of soliciting no more than three endorsements capable of supporting the nomination. Any person, including non-IFGICT members, may submit an endorsement.

Normally, the process of becoming Strategic IT Professional Certified should not take more than 3 months upon the delivery of the case method and the SITP committee interview.

The Strategic IT Professional evaluation process

As mentioned above, the applicant form is evaluated twice: first by the IFGICT TCO committee council and second by the SITP committee members. All nomination materials are forwarded in confidence to the SITP Committee.  The SITP Committee has 5 members plus a SITP Officer. The SITP Committee recommends applicant to the IFGICT Board of Directors & Board of Advisers, according to the following criteria:

  • Significant contributions as Application ICT practitioner and technical leader
  • Evidence of technical accomplishments and realization of significant impact to society
  • Evaluation of Case method / case problem
  • Confidential opinions of references and endorsers
  • Service to professional engineering societies
  • Total years in the profession (10 years minimum)
Strategic IT Audit

Order “SITP” Strategic IT Professional Certification (including case to solve + interview session + your verified professional certificate